Friday, December 28, 2012

EDC question Bank -2

Part a

1) Differntiate drift current diffusion current and holding current

2) Define thermal run away

3) Explain salient features and applications of SCR

4) Define Biasing and Q point

5) What is the need for biasing

6) What are the general steps for performing DC &AC analysis

7) Explain briefly about zener breakdown

8) What are the types of capacitors available ? Differntiate them.

9) Define stability factor

10) List out draw backs of emitter feedback bias circuit along with remedial action


11) Explain the operation , characteristics, parameters of n-channel j-fet in detail

12) Explain in detail about fixed bias circuit , voltage divider bias circuit and define the steps for calculating Q point

13) Explain the operation , characteristics and rating of SCR in detail

14) Explain the operation , characteristics of CE &CB configuration and derive the equation for current gain ß, a, ic, ie, & ib

15) Explain the DC &AC analysis

EDC question Bank -1

part a 
1.explain the salient features of scr
2. difference between depltn and enhqncement mosfet
3. difference b/w ujt and bjt
4. advantge of push pull amp.
5. various methods of biasng the transistr
6. diff. b/w positve and negative feedbck
7. diff. b/w rc phase shift oscillator and lc oscilltr
8. diff bw astable and monostable multi vibratr
9. app. of an oscillator
10. methods to trigger monostable multivibratr
11. app. of 555 timer
12. characteristics of op amp
13. explain the logic for multiplng two signals usg op amp
14. why op amp is usd in arthmetic operations
15. give the efficieny formula fr power amplifier.

part b
1. explain the characteristics of mosfet
2. charactstics of jfet
3. explain dc and ac analysis of CE amplifier
4. explain the f response of tuned amplifier . a)list out the diff. types of negative feedbck and explain it wid an example b) explain the effect of feed back on ac charactrstics of amp. in details
5. what is an oscillatr? what are the diff types of oscillatr?explain the analysis of rc phase shift oscillatr in detail
6. explain in detail abt astable and monostable multivibrtr
7. explain in detail abt 555 timer . a) drw the block diagrm of op amp and explain it b) explain abt currnt to voltage and voltage to current convertr.