Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Java Programming(IT1202) Unit1-3 question bank
1. How will you invoke any external process in Java?
2. What is the use of serializable?
3. What are some alternatives to inheritance?
4. What is the final method do?
5. What is a package?
6. What is the Exception?
7. Name the eight primitive Java types.
8. What is garbage collection? What is the process that is responsible for doing that in java?
9. What are the states of a thread?
10. What are the different driver types available in JDBC?
11. Does a class inherit the constructors of its super class?
12. What does it mean that a method or field is “static”?
13. What is the final method do?
14. Is JVM a compiler or an interpreter?
15. What is class and object?
1. Explain Multithread with Example
2. How to access the data from data Base by using java ( explain the steps ) with an example
3. Explain what are the methods in String buffer
4. What is the difference between Method over loading and method overriding
5. Explain what are the methods in Result Set
6. What are the features of java
7. Explain the Exception handing mechanism
Two marks questions
1. What is Meta Data Function?
2. What is Inet Address and where it is used?
3. What is meant by Datagrams?
4. To write URLConnection Methods
5. Define URL
6. Define RMI Registry
7. Define Socket
8. To write Inet Address Methods
16 Mark Questions
1. Write client/server program to copy a file from one computer to another computer
using TCP
2. Explain about Inet address and its Instance methods in detail
3. Write client / server application to find factorial of a number using RMI
4. What is datagram ? Explain the types of Constructors used in Datagram
Two Marks Questions
1. What are the advantages of Java Beans?
2. What are the conventions that are required for a Java Bean?
3. Define Introspection
4. Define Customizer
5. What is Persistence?
6. What is Manifest file
7. What are the steps for handling a Event in Java Bean
16 Mark Questions
1. Explain Bean Development Kit in detail?
2. Explain about the Design Pattern for Properties and Events ?
3. Explain in detail about the Persistence and Customizers
4. What are called JAR files and explain the command involved in creating JAR files?
5. Explain in detail about design pattern for properties and events
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of java bean?
1. How will you invoke any external process in Java?
2. What is the use of serializable?
3. What are some alternatives to inheritance?
4. What is the final method do?
5. What is a package?
6. What is the Exception?
7. Name the eight primitive Java types.
8. What is garbage collection? What is the process that is responsible for doing that in java?
9. What are the states of a thread?
10. What are the different driver types available in JDBC?
11. Does a class inherit the constructors of its super class?
12. What does it mean that a method or field is “static”?
13. What is the final method do?
14. Is JVM a compiler or an interpreter?
15. What is class and object?
1. Explain Multithread with Example
2. How to access the data from data Base by using java ( explain the steps ) with an example
3. Explain what are the methods in String buffer
4. What is the difference between Method over loading and method overriding
5. Explain what are the methods in Result Set
6. What are the features of java
7. Explain the Exception handing mechanism
Two marks questions
1. What is Meta Data Function?
2. What is Inet Address and where it is used?
3. What is meant by Datagrams?
4. To write URLConnection Methods
5. Define URL
6. Define RMI Registry
7. Define Socket
8. To write Inet Address Methods
16 Mark Questions
1. Write client/server program to copy a file from one computer to another computer
using TCP
2. Explain about Inet address and its Instance methods in detail
3. Write client / server application to find factorial of a number using RMI
4. What is datagram ? Explain the types of Constructors used in Datagram
Two Marks Questions
1. What are the advantages of Java Beans?
2. What are the conventions that are required for a Java Bean?
3. Define Introspection
4. Define Customizer
5. What is Persistence?
6. What is Manifest file
7. What are the steps for handling a Event in Java Bean
16 Mark Questions
1. Explain Bean Development Kit in detail?
2. Explain about the Design Pattern for Properties and Events ?
3. Explain in detail about the Persistence and Customizers
4. What are called JAR files and explain the command involved in creating JAR files?
5. Explain in detail about design pattern for properties and events
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of java bean?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Unit – I
Boolean algebra and Logic Gates
Part A
1. Find the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number 256
2. What is meant by weighted and non-weighted coding?
3. Find the decimal equivalent of (346)7
4. Convert 231.3 4 to base 7 .
5. Express x+yz as the sum of minterms
6. What is prime implicant?
7. Find the value of X = A B C (A+D) if A=0; B=1; C=1 and D=1
8. Implement AND gate and OR gate using NAND gate
9. What is the exact number of bytes in a system that contains (a) 32K byte, (b) 64M bytes, and (c) 6.4G byte?
10. List the truth table of the function: F = x y + x y' + y 'z
Part B
1. (a) Prove that (x1+x2).(x1'. x3'+x3) (x2' + x1.x3) =x1'x2 (b) Simplify using K-map to obtain a minimum POS expression: (A' + B'+C+D) (A+B'+C+D) (A+B+C+D') (A+B+C'+D') (A'+B+C'+D') (A+B+C'+D)
2. Find an expression for the following function using Quine McCluscky method F= (0, 2, 3,5,7,9,11,13,14,16,18,24,26,28,30) 3 State and Prove the theorems of Boolean algebra with illustration
4. Find the MSP representation for F(A,B,C,D,E) = _m(1,4,6,10,20,22,24,26) + _d (0,11,16,27) using K-Map method Draw the circuit of the minimal expression using only NAND gates
5. (a) Explain about common postulates used to formulates various algebraic structures (b) Given the following Boolean function F= A"C + A'B + AB'C + BC Express it in sum of minterms & Find the minimal SOP expression
Unit – II
Combinational Logic
Part A
1. How will you build a full adder using 2 half adders and an OR gate?
2. Draw 4 bit binary parallel adder
3. Write down the truth table of a full sub tractor
4. Define Combinational circuits
5. Define Half and Full adder
6. Define HDL
7. What do you mean by carry propagation delay?
8. What is code converter? 9. What do you mean by test bench?
10. Give short notes on simulation versus synthesis
Part B
1 Design a 4 bit magnitude comparator to compare two 4 bit number
2 Construct a combinational circuit to convert given binary coded decimal number into an Excess
3 code for example when the input to the gate is 0110 then the circuit should
generate output as 1001 3. (a) Draw the logic diagram of a *-bit 7483 adder (b) Using a single 7483, Draw the logic diagram of a 4 bit adder/sub tractor
4. Design a combinational circuit which accepts 3 bit binary number and converts its equivalent excess 3 codes
5. Derive the simplest possible expression for driving segment "a" through 'g' in an 8421 BCD to seven segment decoder for decimal digits 0 through 9 .Output should be active high (Decimal 6 should be displayed as 6 and decimal 9 as 9)
Unit – III
Design with MSI Devices
Part A
1. What is a decoder and obtain the relation between the number of inputs 'n' and outputs 'm' of a decoder?
2. Using a single IC 7485 ; draw the logic diagram of a 4 bit comparator
3. Write the short notes on priority encoder
4. What is multiplexer? Draw the logic diagram of8 to 1 line multiplexer
5. Write the HDL description of the circuit specified by the following Boolean function X=AB+ACD+BC'
6. Distinguish between PAL and PLA
7. Give the classification of memory
8. What is Hamming code?
9. List the basic types of programmable logic devices
10. Compare static RAMs and dynamic RAMs
Part B
1. Explain the operation of 4 to 10 line decoder with necessary logic diagram
2.(i)Implement the following with a multiplexer
F(A,B,C)=(1,2,4,5) (8marks)
(ii)What is microprogrammed control unit? Explain the different types of ROM.(8 marks)
3. Implement the switching functions: Z1 = ab'd'e + a'b'c'e' + bc + de , Z2 = a'c'e, Z3 = bc +de+c'd'e'+bd and Z4 = a'c'e +ce Using a 5*8*4 PLA
4 .Design a switching circuit that converts a 4 bit binary code into a 4 bit Gray code using ROM array 5.Design a combinational circuit using a ROM ,that accepts a 3- bit number and generates an output binary number equal to the square of the given input number
Unit – IV
Synchronous Sequential Logic
Part A
1. Derive the characteristic equation of a D flip flop
2. Distinguish between combinational and sequential logic circuits
3. What are the various types of triggering of flip-flops?
4. What is race round condition? How it is avoided?
5. What is the primary disadvantage of an asynchronous counter?
6. Compare Moore and Mealy models
7. Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic circuits
8. How will you convert a JK flip flop into a D flip flop
9. What is mean by the term 'edge triggered'?
10. List the basic types of shift registers in terms of data movement.
Part B
1.Design a 3 bit binary Up-Down counter.
2.Design a decade up counter using JK flip-flop.
3.(i) Differentiate combinational and sequential circuits. (6)
(ii) Explain in detail the following: (10)
I) Serial in serial out shift register
II) Parallel in parallel out shift register
4. (a) What is race around condition? How is it avoided? (b) Draw the schematic diagram of Master slave JK FF and input and output waveforms.Discuss how it prevents race around condition
5. Explain the operation of JK and clocked JK flip-flops with suitable diagrams
6. (a)Using SR flip flops, design a parallel counter which counts in the sequence 000,111,101,110,001,010,000 …………. (b) Draw as asynchronous 4 bit up-down counter and explain its working
Unit – V
Asynchronous Sequential Logic
Part A
1. Distinguish between fundamental mode and pulse mode operation of asynchronous sequential circuits
2. What is meant by Race?
3. What is meant by race condition in digital circuit?
4. What are races and cycles?
5. What is the significance of state assignment?
6. What are Hazards?
7. Define static 1 hazard, static 0 hazards, and dynamic hazard?
8. Describe how to detect and eliminate hazards from an asynchronous network?
9. How to eliminate the hazard?
10. Draw the wave forms showing static 1 hazard?
Part B
1. What is the objective of state assignment in asynchronous circuit? Give hazard – free realization for the following Boolean function f(A,B,C,D) = M(0,2,6,7,8,10,12)
2. Summarize the design procedure for asynchronous sequential circuit a. Discuss on Hazards and races b. What do you know on hardware descriptive languages?
3. Design an asynchronous sequential circuit with 2 inputs X and Y and with one output Z Wherever Y is 1, input X is transferred to Z .When Y is 0; the output does not change for any change in X.Use SR latch for implementation of the circuit
4. Develop the state diagram and primitive flow table for a logic system that has 2 inputs,x and y and an output z.And reduce primitive flow table. The behavior of the circuit is stated as follows. Initially x=y=0. Whenever x=1 and y = 0 then z=1, whenever x = 0 and y = 1 then z = 0.When x=y=0 or x=y=1 no change in z ot remains in the previous state. The logic system has edge triggered inputs with out having a clock .the logic system changes state on the rising edges of the 2 inputs. Static input values are not to have any effect in changing the Z output
5. Design an asynchronous sequential circuit with two inputs X and Y and with one output Z. Whenever Y is 1, input X is transferred to Z.When Y is 0,the output does not change for any change in X.
Unit – I
Boolean algebra and Logic Gates
Part A
1. Find the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number 256
2. What is meant by weighted and non-weighted coding?
3. Find the decimal equivalent of (346)7
4. Convert 231.3 4 to base 7 .
5. Express x+yz as the sum of minterms
6. What is prime implicant?
7. Find the value of X = A B C (A+D) if A=0; B=1; C=1 and D=1
8. Implement AND gate and OR gate using NAND gate
9. What is the exact number of bytes in a system that contains (a) 32K byte, (b) 64M bytes, and (c) 6.4G byte?
10. List the truth table of the function: F = x y + x y' + y 'z
Part B
1. (a) Prove that (x1+x2).(x1'. x3'+x3) (x2' + x1.x3) =x1'x2 (b) Simplify using K-map to obtain a minimum POS expression: (A' + B'+C+D) (A+B'+C+D) (A+B+C+D') (A+B+C'+D') (A'+B+C'+D') (A+B+C'+D)
2. Find an expression for the following function using Quine McCluscky method F= (0, 2, 3,5,7,9,11,13,14,16,18,24,26,28,30) 3 State and Prove the theorems of Boolean algebra with illustration
4. Find the MSP representation for F(A,B,C,D,E) = _m(1,4,6,10,20,22,24,26) + _d (0,11,16,27) using K-Map method Draw the circuit of the minimal expression using only NAND gates
5. (a) Explain about common postulates used to formulates various algebraic structures (b) Given the following Boolean function F= A"C + A'B + AB'C + BC Express it in sum of minterms & Find the minimal SOP expression
Unit – II
Combinational Logic
Part A
1. How will you build a full adder using 2 half adders and an OR gate?
2. Draw 4 bit binary parallel adder
3. Write down the truth table of a full sub tractor
4. Define Combinational circuits
5. Define Half and Full adder
6. Define HDL
7. What do you mean by carry propagation delay?
8. What is code converter? 9. What do you mean by test bench?
10. Give short notes on simulation versus synthesis
Part B
1 Design a 4 bit magnitude comparator to compare two 4 bit number
2 Construct a combinational circuit to convert given binary coded decimal number into an Excess
3 code for example when the input to the gate is 0110 then the circuit should
generate output as 1001 3. (a) Draw the logic diagram of a *-bit 7483 adder (b) Using a single 7483, Draw the logic diagram of a 4 bit adder/sub tractor
4. Design a combinational circuit which accepts 3 bit binary number and converts its equivalent excess 3 codes
5. Derive the simplest possible expression for driving segment "a" through 'g' in an 8421 BCD to seven segment decoder for decimal digits 0 through 9 .Output should be active high (Decimal 6 should be displayed as 6 and decimal 9 as 9)
Unit – III
Design with MSI Devices
Part A
1. What is a decoder and obtain the relation between the number of inputs 'n' and outputs 'm' of a decoder?
2. Using a single IC 7485 ; draw the logic diagram of a 4 bit comparator
3. Write the short notes on priority encoder
4. What is multiplexer? Draw the logic diagram of8 to 1 line multiplexer
5. Write the HDL description of the circuit specified by the following Boolean function X=AB+ACD+BC'
6. Distinguish between PAL and PLA
7. Give the classification of memory
8. What is Hamming code?
9. List the basic types of programmable logic devices
10. Compare static RAMs and dynamic RAMs
Part B
1. Explain the operation of 4 to 10 line decoder with necessary logic diagram
2.(i)Implement the following with a multiplexer
F(A,B,C)=(1,2,4,5) (8marks)
(ii)What is microprogrammed control unit? Explain the different types of ROM.(8 marks)
3. Implement the switching functions: Z1 = ab'd'e + a'b'c'e' + bc + de , Z2 = a'c'e, Z3 = bc +de+c'd'e'+bd and Z4 = a'c'e +ce Using a 5*8*4 PLA
4 .Design a switching circuit that converts a 4 bit binary code into a 4 bit Gray code using ROM array 5.Design a combinational circuit using a ROM ,that accepts a 3- bit number and generates an output binary number equal to the square of the given input number
Unit – IV
Synchronous Sequential Logic
Part A
1. Derive the characteristic equation of a D flip flop
2. Distinguish between combinational and sequential logic circuits
3. What are the various types of triggering of flip-flops?
4. What is race round condition? How it is avoided?
5. What is the primary disadvantage of an asynchronous counter?
6. Compare Moore and Mealy models
7. Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic circuits
8. How will you convert a JK flip flop into a D flip flop
9. What is mean by the term 'edge triggered'?
10. List the basic types of shift registers in terms of data movement.
Part B
1.Design a 3 bit binary Up-Down counter.
2.Design a decade up counter using JK flip-flop.
3.(i) Differentiate combinational and sequential circuits. (6)
(ii) Explain in detail the following: (10)
I) Serial in serial out shift register
II) Parallel in parallel out shift register
4. (a) What is race around condition? How is it avoided? (b) Draw the schematic diagram of Master slave JK FF and input and output waveforms.Discuss how it prevents race around condition
5. Explain the operation of JK and clocked JK flip-flops with suitable diagrams
6. (a)Using SR flip flops, design a parallel counter which counts in the sequence 000,111,101,110,001,010,000 …………. (b) Draw as asynchronous 4 bit up-down counter and explain its working
Unit – V
Asynchronous Sequential Logic
Part A
1. Distinguish between fundamental mode and pulse mode operation of asynchronous sequential circuits
2. What is meant by Race?
3. What is meant by race condition in digital circuit?
4. What are races and cycles?
5. What is the significance of state assignment?
6. What are Hazards?
7. Define static 1 hazard, static 0 hazards, and dynamic hazard?
8. Describe how to detect and eliminate hazards from an asynchronous network?
9. How to eliminate the hazard?
10. Draw the wave forms showing static 1 hazard?
Part B
1. What is the objective of state assignment in asynchronous circuit? Give hazard – free realization for the following Boolean function f(A,B,C,D) = M(0,2,6,7,8,10,12)
2. Summarize the design procedure for asynchronous sequential circuit a. Discuss on Hazards and races b. What do you know on hardware descriptive languages?
3. Design an asynchronous sequential circuit with 2 inputs X and Y and with one output Z Wherever Y is 1, input X is transferred to Z .When Y is 0; the output does not change for any change in X.Use SR latch for implementation of the circuit
4. Develop the state diagram and primitive flow table for a logic system that has 2 inputs,x and y and an output z.And reduce primitive flow table. The behavior of the circuit is stated as follows. Initially x=y=0. Whenever x=1 and y = 0 then z=1, whenever x = 0 and y = 1 then z = 0.When x=y=0 or x=y=1 no change in z ot remains in the previous state. The logic system has edge triggered inputs with out having a clock .the logic system changes state on the rising edges of the 2 inputs. Static input values are not to have any effect in changing the Z output
5. Design an asynchronous sequential circuit with two inputs X and Y and with one output Z. Whenever Y is 1, input X is transferred to Z.When Y is 0,the output does not change for any change in X.
SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS (IT1201) Question bank with answers
1. Define Signal.
A signal is a function of one or more independent variables which contain
some information.
Eg: Radio signal, TV signal, Telephone signal etc.
2. Define System.
A system is a set of elements or functional block that are connected
together and produces an output in response to an input signal.
Eg: An audio amplifier, attenuator, TV set etc.
3. Define CT signals.
Continuous time signals are defined for all values of time. It is also called
as an analog signal and is represented by x(t).
Eg: AC waveform, ECG etc.
4. Define DT signal.
Discrete time signals are defined at discrete instances of time. It is
represented by x(n).
Eg: Amount deposited in a bank per month.
5. Give few examples for CT signals.
AC waveform, ECG,Temperature recorded over an interval of time etc.
6. Give few examples of DT signals.
Amount deposited in a bank per month,
7. Define unit step,ramp and delta functions for CT.
Unit step function is defined as
U(t)= 1 for t >= 0
0 otherwise
Unit ramp function is defined as
r(t)=t for t>=0
0 for t<0
Unit delta function is defined as
d(t)= 1 for t=0
0 otherwise
8. State the relation between step, ramp and delta functions(CT).
The relation ship between unit step and unit delta function is
d(t)= u(t)
The relationship between delta and unit ramp function is
d(t).dt = r(t)
9. State the classification of CT signals.
The CT signals are classified as follows
(i) Periodic and non periodic signals
(ii) Even and odd signals
(iii) Energy and power signals
(iv) Deterministic and random signals.
10. Define deterministic and random signals.
A deterministic signal is one which can be completely represented by
Mathematical equation at any time.In a deterministic signal there is no
uncertainty with respect to its value at any time.
Eg: x(t)=coswt
A random signal is one which cannot be represented by any mathematical
Eg: Noise generated in electronic components, transmission channels, cables etc.
11. Define power and energy signals.
The signal x(t) is said to be power signal, if and only if the normalized
average power p is finite and non-zero.
Ie. 0<p<4
A signal x(t) is said to be energy signal if and only if the total normalized
energy is finite and non-zero.
Ie. 0<E< 4
12. Compare power and energy signals.
1 The normalized average
power is finite and non-zero
Total normalized energy is
finite and non- zero.
2 Practical periodic signals
are power signals
Non-periodic signals are
energy signals
13.Define odd and even signal.
A DT signal x(n) is said to be an even signal if x(-n)=x(n) and an odd signal
if x(-n)=-x(n).
A CT signal is x(t) is said to be an even signal if x(t)=x(-t) and an odd signal
if x(-t)=-x(t).
14. Define periodic and Aperiodic signals.
A signal is said to be periodic signal if it repeats at equal intervals.
Aperiodic signals do not repeat at regular intervals.
A CT signal which satisfies the equation x(t)=x(t+T0) is said to be periodic
and a DT signal which satisfies the equation x(n)=x(n+N)is said to be periodic.
15. State the classification or characteristics of CT and DT systems.
The DT and CT systems are according to their characteristics as follows
(i). Linear and Non-Linear systems
(ii). Time invariant and Time varying systems.
(iii). Causal and Non causal systems.
(iv). Stable and unstable systems.
(v). Static and dynamic systems.
(vi). Inverse systems.
16. Define linear and non-linear systems.
A system is said to be linear if superposition theorem applies to that
system. If it does not satisfy the superposition theorem, then it is said to be a nonlinear
17. Define Causal and non-Causal systems.
A system is said to be a causal if its output at anytime depends upon
present and past inputs only.
A system is said to be non-causal system if its output depends upon future
inputs also.
18. Define time invariant and time varying systems.
A system is time invariant if the time shift in the input signal results in
corresponding time shift in the output.
A system which does not satisfy the above condition is time variant
19. Define stable and unstable systems.
When the system produces bounded output for bounded input, then the
system is called bounded input, bounded output stable.
A system which doesnot satisfy the above condition is called a unstable
20. Define Static and Dynamic system.
A system is said to be static or memoryless if its output depends upon the
present input only.
The system is said to be dynamic with memory if its output depends upon
the present and past input values.
1. Discuss the classification of DT and CT signals with examples.
• Deterministic and random signals
• Periodic and Aperiodic signals
• Energy and power signals
• Noise signals
• Physically Realisable & non-realisable signals.
2. Discuss the classification of DT and CT systems with examples.
• Linear and Non-Linear systems
• Time invariant and Time varying systems
• Causal and Non-causal systems
• Stable and unstable systems
• Static and dynamic systems
• Inverse systems
3. Problems on the properties & classifications of signals & systems
Find whether the following signals are periodic or not
a. x(t)=2cos(10t+1)-sin(4t-1)
Ans:Periodic signal.
b. x(t)=3cos4t+2sinpt
Ans:Non periodic signal
Check whether the following system is
1. Static or dynamic
2. Linear or non-linear
3. Causal or non-causal
4. Time invariant or variant
Ans: static, non linear, Causal, Time invariant.
1.Define CT signal
Continuous time signals are defined for all values of time. It is also called
as an analog signal and is represented by x(t).
Eg: AC waveform, ECG etc.
2. Compare double sided and single sided spectrums.
The method of representing spectrums of positive as well as negative
frequencies are called double sided spectrums.
The method of representing spectrums only in the positive frequencies is
known as single sided spectrums.
3. Define Quadrature Fourier Series.
Consider x(t) be a periodic signal. The fourier series can be written for
this signal as follows
x(t)= a0 + .n
=1 ancosw0nt + .
n=1 bnsinw0nt
This is known as Quadrature Fourier Series.
4.Define polar Fourier Series.
x(t)= D0 + n
=1 Dncos((2pnt / T0) +
The above form of representing a signal is known as Polar Fourier series.
5.Define exponential fourier series.
n=1 Cn ej2 nt / T0
The method of representing a signal by the above form is known as exponential
fourier series.
6. State Dirichlets conditions.
(i).The function x(t) should be single valued within the interval T0
(ii). The function x(t) should have atmost a finite number of discontinuities
in the interval T0
(iii). The function x(t) should have finite number of maxima and minima
in the interval T0
(iv). The function should have absolutely integrable.
7. State Parsevals power theorem.
Parsevals power theorem states that the total average power of a periodic
signal x(t) is equal to the sum of the average powers of its phasor components.
8.Define Fourier Transform.
Let x(t) be the signal which is the function of time t. The fourierr
transform of x(t) is given by
X(w)= x(t)e-jwt.dt
9. State the conditions for the existence of fourier series.
(i). The function x(t) should be single valued in any finite time interval T
(ii). The function x(t) should have atmost finite number of discontinuities
in any finite time interval T.
(iii). The function x(t) should have finite number of maxima and minima
in any time interval T.
(iv) The function x(t) should be absolutely integrable.
10. Find the Fourier transform of function x(t)=d(t)
Ans: 1
11. State Rayleigh’s energy theorem.
Rayleigh’s energy theorem states that the energy of the signal may be
written in frequency domain as superposition of energies due to individual
spectral frequencies of the signal.
12.Define laplace transform.
Laplace transform is the another mathematical tool used for analysis of
continuous time signals and systems.It is defined as
F(s) = f(t) e-st dt
13. Obtain the laplace transform of ramp function.
Ans: 1/s2
14. What are the methods for evaluating inverse Laplace transform.
The two methods for evaluating inverse laplace transform are
(i). By Partial fraction expansion method.
(ii). By convolution integral.
15. State initial value theorem.
If x(t)-----L--------- X(s), then value of x(t)is geven as,
x(0+) = limt->0+[sX(s)]
provided thet the first derivative of x(t) should be laplace transformable.
16. State final value theorem.
If x(t) and X(s) are laplace transform pairs, then the final value of x(t) is
given as ,
Lim t->4x(t)= Lim s->0[sX(s)]
17. State the convolution property of fourier transform.
If x1(t) and x1(f) are fourier transform pairs and x2(t) and x2(f) are fourier
transform pairs, then
x1(t)x2(f-t)dt is fourier transform pair with X1(f)X2(f)
18.What is the relationship between Fourier transform and Laplace transform.
X(s)=X(jw) when s=jw
This states that laplace transform is same as fourier transform when s=jw.
19.Find the fourier transform of sgn function.
Ans: 2/jW
20. Find out the laplace transform of f(t)=eat
Ans: 1/(s-a)
1.State and prove properties of fourier transform.
• Linearity property
• Shifting property
• Frequency shifting
• Differentiation in time domain
• Integration in time domain
• Convolution in time domain
2. State the properties of Fourier Series.
• Linearity property
• Shifting property
• Convolution in time domain
• Multiplication in time domain
• Duality property
• Parsevals theorem
3. State the properties of Laplace transform.
• Linearity property
• Shifting property
• Complex translation
• Differentiation in time domain
• Integration in time domain
• Initial value theorem
• Final value theorem
• Convolution in time domain
4.Problems on fourier series, Fourier transform and laplace transform.
a. Find the fourier series of of the periodic signal x(t)=t 0<=t<=1
Ans: C0=1/2, Cn=j/2pn
b. Find the fourier transform of x(t)=e-atu(t)
Ans: 1/a+jW
c. Find the laplace transform of the signal x(t)= e-atu(t)+ e-btu(-t)
Ans: 1/(s+b)+1/(s+a)
5. State and prove parsevals power theorem and Rayleigh’s energy theorem.
1. Define LTI-CT systems.
In a continuous time system if the time shift in the input signal results in
the corresponding time shift in the output, then it is called the LTI-CT system
2. What are the tools used for analysis of LTI-CT systems?
The tools used for the analysis of the LTI-CT system are
Fourier transform
Laplace transform
3.Define convolution integral.
The convolution of of two signals is given by
y(t)= x(t)*h(t)
x(t)*h(t)= x(t)h(t-t ).d
This is known as convolution integral.
4.List the properties of convolution integral.
a. commutative property
b. distributive property
c. associative property
d. shift property
e. convolution with an impulse
f. width property
5.State commutative property of convolution.
The commutative property of convolution states that
6.State the associative property of convolution.
Associative property of convolution states that
7.State distributive property of convolution.
The distributive property states that
8. When the LTI-CT system is said to be dynamic?
In LTI CT system, the system is said to be dynamic if the present output
depends only on the present input.
9. When the LTI-CT system is said to be causal?
An LTI continuous time system is causal if and only if its impulse
response is zero for negative values of t.
10. When the LTI-CT system is said to be stable?
A LTI-CT system is said to be stable if the impulse response of the system
is absolutely integrable. That is
Ih(t) <4
11. Define natural response.
Natural response is the response of the system with zero input. It depends
on the initial state of the system. It is denoted by yn(t)
12. Define forced response.
Forced response is the response of the system due to input alone when the
initial state of the system is zero. It is denoted by yf(t).
13. Define complete response.
The complete response of a LTI-CT system is obtained by adding the
natural response and forced response.
y(t)= yn(t)+ yf(t)
14. Draw the direct form I implementation of CT systems.
15. Draw the direct form II implementation of CT systems.
16. Mention the advantages of direct form II structure over direct form I structure.
No.of integrators are reduced to half
17. Define Eigen function and Eigen value.
In the equation given below,
H(s) is called Eigen value and est is called Eigen function.
18. Define Causality and stability using poles.
For a system to be stable and causal, all the poles must be located in the
left half of the s plane
19. Find the impulse response of the system y(t)=x(t-t0) using laplace transform.
h(s)= d(t-t0)
20. The impulse response of the LTI CT system is given as h(t)=e-t u(t). Determine
transfer function and check whether the system is causal and stable.
The system is causal,stable.
1.Derive convolution integral and also state and prove the properties of the same.
Convolution integral derivation
2. Explain the properties of LTICT system interms of impulse response.
Step response
3.Problems on properties of LTI CT systems.
Check whether the following system are stable and causal
1. h(t)=e-2tu(t-1)
Ans: Causal, Stable.
Ans: Non,causal and stable.
4. Problems on differential equation.
Determine the forced response of the system
Ans:yp(t)=0.4, :yf(t)=0.4(1-e-2t)
5. Realization of LTI CT system using direct form I and II structures.
6. Finding frequency response using Fourier methods.
1. Take fourier transform for the given Differential equation
2. Find system transfer function H(w)
3. The frequency response can be obtained from the transfer function by
separating the real and imaginary parts.
7. Solving differential equations using Fourier methods
1. Take Fourier transform for the given Differential Equation
2. Then find Y(s) using the given initial conditions.
3. Then find y(t) by taking inverse Fourier transform
8. Solving Differential Equations using Laplace transforms.
1. Take laplace transform for the given Differential Equation
2. Then find Y(s) using the given initial conditions.
3. Then find y(t) by taking inverse Laplace transform.
9. Obtaining state variable description.
1. The state variable description consists of differerntial equations that
describe state of the system.
2. The output of the system is related to current state and input.
3. The state is the minimal set of signals that represent system’s entire pass
4.The state equations for LTI CT system can be written as
d/dt[q(t)]= A q(t) + b x(t)
y(t)= cq(t) + D x(t)
hence A, b, c, D are the matrices representing internal structure of the system.
10. Obtaining frequency response and transfer functions using state variable.
Steps for obtaining frequency response:
1. Define DTFT.
Let us consider the discrete time signal x(n).Its DTFT is denoted as X(w).It is
given as
X(w)= x(n)e-jwn
2. State the condition for existence of DTFT?
The conditions are
• If x(n)is absolutely summable then
• If x(n) is not absolutely summable then it should have finite energy for
DTFT to exit.
3. List the properties of DTFT.
Time shift
Frequency shift
Differentiation in frequency domain
Time reversal
Multiplication in time domain
Parseval’s theorem
4. What is the DTFT of unit sample?
The DTFT of unit sample is 1 for all values of w.
5. Define DFT.
DFT is defined as X(w)= x(n)e-jwn.
Here x(n) is the discrete time sequence
X(w) is the fourier transform ofx(n).
6. Define Twiddle factor.
The Twiddle factor is defined as WN=e-j2 /N
7. Define Zero padding.
The method of appending zero in the given sequence is called as Zero padding.
8. Define circularly even sequence.
A Sequence is said to be circularly even if it is symmetric about the point zero on
the circle.
9. Define circularly odd sequence.
A Sequence is said to be circularly odd if it is anti symmetric about point x(0) on
the circle
10. Define circularly folded sequences.
A circularly folded sequence is represented as x((-n))N. It is obtained by
plotting x(n) in clockwise direction along the circle.
11. State circular convolution.
This property states that multiplication of two DFT is equal to circular
convolution of their sequence in time domain.
12. State parseval’s theorem.
Consider the complex valued sequences x(n) and y(n).If
x(n)---- X(k)
y(n)---- Y(k)
then x(n)y*(n)=1/N X(k)Y*(k)
13. Define Z transform.
The Z transform of a discrete time signal x(n) is denoted by X(z) and is given
by X(z)= x(n)Z-n.
14. Define ROC.
The value of Z for which the Z transform converged is called region of
15. Find Z transform of x(n)={1,2,3,4}
x(n)= {1,2,3,4}
X(z)= x(n)z-n
= 1+2z-1+3z-2+4z-3.
= 1+2/z+3/z2+4/z3.
16. State the convolution property of Z transform.
The convolution property states that the convolution of two sequences in
time domain is equivalent to multiplication of their Z transforms.
17. What z transform of (n-m)?
By time shifting property
Z[A (n-m)]=AZ-m sinZ[ (n)] =1
18. State initial value theorem.
If x(n) is causal sequence then its initial value is given by
x(0)=lim X(z)
19. List the methods of obtaining inverse Z transform.
Inverse z transform can be obtained by using
Partial fraction expansion.
Contour integration
Power series expansion
20. Obtain the inverse z transform of X(z)=1/z-a,|z|>|a|
Given X(z)=z-1/1-az-1
By time shifting property
1. State and prove properties of DTFT
Time shift
Frequency shift
Differentiation in frequency domain
Time reversal
Multiplication in time domain
Parseval’s theorem.
2. State and prove the properties of DFT.
• Periodicity
• Linearity
• Circular symmetries of a sequence
• Symmetry properties
• Circular convolution
• Time reversal of a sequence
• Circular time shift of a sequence
• Circular frequency shift
• Complex conjugate properties
• Circular correlation
• Multiplication of two sequences
• Parsevals theorem
3. State and prove the properties of z transform.
Time shifting
Scaling in z domain
Time reversal
Differentation in z domain
Convolution in time domain
Correlation of two sequences
Multiplication of two sequences
Conjugation of a complex sequence
Z transform of real part of the sequence
Z transform of imaginary part of the sequence
Parsevals relation
Initial value theorem
4.Find the DFT of x(n)={1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0}
5. Find the circular convolution of x1(n)={1,2,0,1}
6. Problems on z transform and inverse z transform.
1. Define convolution sum?
If x(n) and h(n) are discrete variable functions, then its convolution sum
y(n) is given by,
y(n)= x(k) h(n-k)
2. List the steps involved in finding convolution sum?
o folding
o Shifting
o Multiplication
o Summation
3.List the properties of convolution?
o Commutative property of convolution
x(n) * h(n) = h(n) * x(n) = y(n)
o Associative property of convolution
[ x(n) * h1(n)] * h2(n) = x(n) * [h1(n) * h2(n)]
o Distributive property of convolution
x(n) * [h1(n) + h2(n)] = x(n) * h1(n) + x(n) * h2(n)
4. Define LTI causal system?
A LTI system is causal if and only if ,h(n) = 0 for n<0.This is the sufficient
and necessary condition for causality of the system.
5. Define LTI stable system?
The bounded input x(n) produces bounded output y(n) in the LTI system only
if, | h(k)| < . When this condition is satisfied ,the system will be stable.
6. Define FIR system?
The systems for which unit step response h(n) has finite number of terms, they
are called Finite Impulse Response (FIR) systems.
7. Define IIR system?
The systems for which unit step response h(n) has infinite number of terms,
they are called Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) sysrems.
8. Define non recursive and recursive systems?
When the output y(n) of the system depends upon present and past inputs
then it is called non-recursive system.
When the output y(n) of the system depends upon present and past inputs as
well as past outputs, then it is called recursive system.
9. State the relation between fourier transform and z transform?
The fourier transform is basically the z-transform of the sequence evaluated
on unit circle.
i.e., X(z)|z=e
jw = X(w) at |z|=1 i.e., unit circle.
10. Define system function?
H(z)= Y(z) is called system function.It is the z transform of the unit
response h(n) of the system.
11. What is the advantage of direct form 2 over direct form 1 structure?
The direct form 2 structure has reduced memory requirement compared to
direct form 1 structure.
12. Define butterfly computation?
In the figure the two values ‘a’ and ‘b’ are available as input. From these two
‘A’ and ‘B’ are computed at the output. This operation is called Butterfly
13.What is an advantage of FFT over DFT?
FFT algorithm reduces number of computations.
14. List the applications of FFT?
o Filtering
o Spectrum analysis
o Calculation of energy spectral density
15. How unit sample response of discrete time system is defined?
The unit step response of the discrete time system is output of the system to
sample sequence. i.e., T[ð(n)]=h(n). Also h(n)=z {H(z)}.
16.A causal DT system is BIBO stable only if its transfer function has _________.
Ans:A causal DT system is stable if poles of its transfer function lie within
unit circle.
17. If u(n) is the impulse response response of the system, What is its step response?
Here h(n) = u(n) and the input is x(n) = u(n).
Hence the output y(n) = h(n) * x(n)
= u(n) * u(n)
18.Convolve the two sequences x(n)={1,2,3} and h(n)={5,4,6,2}
Ans: y(n)={5,14,29,26,22,6}
19.State the maximum memory requirement of N point DFT including twiddle factors?
Ans: [2N+N/2]
20.Determine the range of values of the parameter ‘a’ for which the linear time invariant
system with impulse response h(n)=an u(n) is stable?
Ans: H(z)= z , There is one pole at z=a. The system is stable, if all its
i.e., within the unit circle. Hence |a| < 1 for stability.
1. State and prove the properties of convolution sum?
o Commutative property of convolution
x(n) * h(n) = h(n) * x(n) = y(n)
o Associative property of convolution
[ x(n) * h1(n)] * h2(n) = x(n) * [h1(n) * h2(n)]
o Distributive property of convolution
X (n) * [h1(n) + h2(n)] = x(n) * h1(n) + x(n) * h2(n)
2. Determine the convolution of x(n)={1,1,2} h(n)=u(n) graphically?
Ans: y(n) = {1,2,4,4,---------}
3. Determine the forced response for the following system
y(n)-1 y(n-1) – 1 y(n-2) = x(n) + x(n-1)
4 8
for x(n)=(1/8)n u(n) . Assume zero initial conditions?
Ans: f(f)(n)=8 (1/2)n – 2 (1/4)n – (1/8)n
3 3
4. Compute the response of the system
y(n)=0.7 y(n-1) – 0.12 y(n-2) + x(n-1) – x(n-2)
to the input x(n) = n u(n). Is the system is stable?
Ans: Stable. Y(n)=[38.89 (0.1)n – 26.53 (0.3)n – 12.53 + 4.76 ] u(n)
5. Derive the 8 point DIT and DIF algorithms
1. Define Signal.
A signal is a function of one or more independent variables which contain
some information.
Eg: Radio signal, TV signal, Telephone signal etc.
2. Define System.
A system is a set of elements or functional block that are connected
together and produces an output in response to an input signal.
Eg: An audio amplifier, attenuator, TV set etc.
3. Define CT signals.
Continuous time signals are defined for all values of time. It is also called
as an analog signal and is represented by x(t).
Eg: AC waveform, ECG etc.
4. Define DT signal.
Discrete time signals are defined at discrete instances of time. It is
represented by x(n).
Eg: Amount deposited in a bank per month.
5. Give few examples for CT signals.
AC waveform, ECG,Temperature recorded over an interval of time etc.
6. Give few examples of DT signals.
Amount deposited in a bank per month,
7. Define unit step,ramp and delta functions for CT.
Unit step function is defined as
U(t)= 1 for t >= 0
0 otherwise
Unit ramp function is defined as
r(t)=t for t>=0
0 for t<0
Unit delta function is defined as
d(t)= 1 for t=0
0 otherwise
8. State the relation between step, ramp and delta functions(CT).
The relation ship between unit step and unit delta function is
d(t)= u(t)
The relationship between delta and unit ramp function is
d(t).dt = r(t)
9. State the classification of CT signals.
The CT signals are classified as follows
(i) Periodic and non periodic signals
(ii) Even and odd signals
(iii) Energy and power signals
(iv) Deterministic and random signals.
10. Define deterministic and random signals.
A deterministic signal is one which can be completely represented by
Mathematical equation at any time.In a deterministic signal there is no
uncertainty with respect to its value at any time.
Eg: x(t)=coswt
A random signal is one which cannot be represented by any mathematical
Eg: Noise generated in electronic components, transmission channels, cables etc.
11. Define power and energy signals.
The signal x(t) is said to be power signal, if and only if the normalized
average power p is finite and non-zero.
Ie. 0<p<4
A signal x(t) is said to be energy signal if and only if the total normalized
energy is finite and non-zero.
Ie. 0<E< 4
12. Compare power and energy signals.
1 The normalized average
power is finite and non-zero
Total normalized energy is
finite and non- zero.
2 Practical periodic signals
are power signals
Non-periodic signals are
energy signals
13.Define odd and even signal.
A DT signal x(n) is said to be an even signal if x(-n)=x(n) and an odd signal
if x(-n)=-x(n).
A CT signal is x(t) is said to be an even signal if x(t)=x(-t) and an odd signal
if x(-t)=-x(t).
14. Define periodic and Aperiodic signals.
A signal is said to be periodic signal if it repeats at equal intervals.
Aperiodic signals do not repeat at regular intervals.
A CT signal which satisfies the equation x(t)=x(t+T0) is said to be periodic
and a DT signal which satisfies the equation x(n)=x(n+N)is said to be periodic.
15. State the classification or characteristics of CT and DT systems.
The DT and CT systems are according to their characteristics as follows
(i). Linear and Non-Linear systems
(ii). Time invariant and Time varying systems.
(iii). Causal and Non causal systems.
(iv). Stable and unstable systems.
(v). Static and dynamic systems.
(vi). Inverse systems.
16. Define linear and non-linear systems.
A system is said to be linear if superposition theorem applies to that
system. If it does not satisfy the superposition theorem, then it is said to be a nonlinear
17. Define Causal and non-Causal systems.
A system is said to be a causal if its output at anytime depends upon
present and past inputs only.
A system is said to be non-causal system if its output depends upon future
inputs also.
18. Define time invariant and time varying systems.
A system is time invariant if the time shift in the input signal results in
corresponding time shift in the output.
A system which does not satisfy the above condition is time variant
19. Define stable and unstable systems.
When the system produces bounded output for bounded input, then the
system is called bounded input, bounded output stable.
A system which doesnot satisfy the above condition is called a unstable
20. Define Static and Dynamic system.
A system is said to be static or memoryless if its output depends upon the
present input only.
The system is said to be dynamic with memory if its output depends upon
the present and past input values.
1. Discuss the classification of DT and CT signals with examples.
• Deterministic and random signals
• Periodic and Aperiodic signals
• Energy and power signals
• Noise signals
• Physically Realisable & non-realisable signals.
2. Discuss the classification of DT and CT systems with examples.
• Linear and Non-Linear systems
• Time invariant and Time varying systems
• Causal and Non-causal systems
• Stable and unstable systems
• Static and dynamic systems
• Inverse systems
3. Problems on the properties & classifications of signals & systems
Find whether the following signals are periodic or not
a. x(t)=2cos(10t+1)-sin(4t-1)
Ans:Periodic signal.
b. x(t)=3cos4t+2sinpt
Ans:Non periodic signal
Check whether the following system is
1. Static or dynamic
2. Linear or non-linear
3. Causal or non-causal
4. Time invariant or variant
Ans: static, non linear, Causal, Time invariant.
1.Define CT signal
Continuous time signals are defined for all values of time. It is also called
as an analog signal and is represented by x(t).
Eg: AC waveform, ECG etc.
2. Compare double sided and single sided spectrums.
The method of representing spectrums of positive as well as negative
frequencies are called double sided spectrums.
The method of representing spectrums only in the positive frequencies is
known as single sided spectrums.
3. Define Quadrature Fourier Series.
Consider x(t) be a periodic signal. The fourier series can be written for
this signal as follows
x(t)= a0 + .n
=1 ancosw0nt + .
n=1 bnsinw0nt
This is known as Quadrature Fourier Series.
4.Define polar Fourier Series.
x(t)= D0 + n
=1 Dncos((2pnt / T0) +
The above form of representing a signal is known as Polar Fourier series.
5.Define exponential fourier series.
n=1 Cn ej2 nt / T0
The method of representing a signal by the above form is known as exponential
fourier series.
6. State Dirichlets conditions.
(i).The function x(t) should be single valued within the interval T0
(ii). The function x(t) should have atmost a finite number of discontinuities
in the interval T0
(iii). The function x(t) should have finite number of maxima and minima
in the interval T0
(iv). The function should have absolutely integrable.
7. State Parsevals power theorem.
Parsevals power theorem states that the total average power of a periodic
signal x(t) is equal to the sum of the average powers of its phasor components.
8.Define Fourier Transform.
Let x(t) be the signal which is the function of time t. The fourierr
transform of x(t) is given by
X(w)= x(t)e-jwt.dt
9. State the conditions for the existence of fourier series.
(i). The function x(t) should be single valued in any finite time interval T
(ii). The function x(t) should have atmost finite number of discontinuities
in any finite time interval T.
(iii). The function x(t) should have finite number of maxima and minima
in any time interval T.
(iv) The function x(t) should be absolutely integrable.
10. Find the Fourier transform of function x(t)=d(t)
Ans: 1
11. State Rayleigh’s energy theorem.
Rayleigh’s energy theorem states that the energy of the signal may be
written in frequency domain as superposition of energies due to individual
spectral frequencies of the signal.
12.Define laplace transform.
Laplace transform is the another mathematical tool used for analysis of
continuous time signals and systems.It is defined as
F(s) = f(t) e-st dt
13. Obtain the laplace transform of ramp function.
Ans: 1/s2
14. What are the methods for evaluating inverse Laplace transform.
The two methods for evaluating inverse laplace transform are
(i). By Partial fraction expansion method.
(ii). By convolution integral.
15. State initial value theorem.
If x(t)-----L--------- X(s), then value of x(t)is geven as,
x(0+) = limt->0+[sX(s)]
provided thet the first derivative of x(t) should be laplace transformable.
16. State final value theorem.
If x(t) and X(s) are laplace transform pairs, then the final value of x(t) is
given as ,
Lim t->4x(t)= Lim s->0[sX(s)]
17. State the convolution property of fourier transform.
If x1(t) and x1(f) are fourier transform pairs and x2(t) and x2(f) are fourier
transform pairs, then
x1(t)x2(f-t)dt is fourier transform pair with X1(f)X2(f)
18.What is the relationship between Fourier transform and Laplace transform.
X(s)=X(jw) when s=jw
This states that laplace transform is same as fourier transform when s=jw.
19.Find the fourier transform of sgn function.
Ans: 2/jW
20. Find out the laplace transform of f(t)=eat
Ans: 1/(s-a)
1.State and prove properties of fourier transform.
• Linearity property
• Shifting property
• Frequency shifting
• Differentiation in time domain
• Integration in time domain
• Convolution in time domain
2. State the properties of Fourier Series.
• Linearity property
• Shifting property
• Convolution in time domain
• Multiplication in time domain
• Duality property
• Parsevals theorem
3. State the properties of Laplace transform.
• Linearity property
• Shifting property
• Complex translation
• Differentiation in time domain
• Integration in time domain
• Initial value theorem
• Final value theorem
• Convolution in time domain
4.Problems on fourier series, Fourier transform and laplace transform.
a. Find the fourier series of of the periodic signal x(t)=t 0<=t<=1
Ans: C0=1/2, Cn=j/2pn
b. Find the fourier transform of x(t)=e-atu(t)
Ans: 1/a+jW
c. Find the laplace transform of the signal x(t)= e-atu(t)+ e-btu(-t)
Ans: 1/(s+b)+1/(s+a)
5. State and prove parsevals power theorem and Rayleigh’s energy theorem.
1. Define LTI-CT systems.
In a continuous time system if the time shift in the input signal results in
the corresponding time shift in the output, then it is called the LTI-CT system
2. What are the tools used for analysis of LTI-CT systems?
The tools used for the analysis of the LTI-CT system are
Fourier transform
Laplace transform
3.Define convolution integral.
The convolution of of two signals is given by
y(t)= x(t)*h(t)
x(t)*h(t)= x(t)h(t-t ).d
This is known as convolution integral.
4.List the properties of convolution integral.
a. commutative property
b. distributive property
c. associative property
d. shift property
e. convolution with an impulse
f. width property
5.State commutative property of convolution.
The commutative property of convolution states that
6.State the associative property of convolution.
Associative property of convolution states that
7.State distributive property of convolution.
The distributive property states that
8. When the LTI-CT system is said to be dynamic?
In LTI CT system, the system is said to be dynamic if the present output
depends only on the present input.
9. When the LTI-CT system is said to be causal?
An LTI continuous time system is causal if and only if its impulse
response is zero for negative values of t.
10. When the LTI-CT system is said to be stable?
A LTI-CT system is said to be stable if the impulse response of the system
is absolutely integrable. That is
Ih(t) <4
11. Define natural response.
Natural response is the response of the system with zero input. It depends
on the initial state of the system. It is denoted by yn(t)
12. Define forced response.
Forced response is the response of the system due to input alone when the
initial state of the system is zero. It is denoted by yf(t).
13. Define complete response.
The complete response of a LTI-CT system is obtained by adding the
natural response and forced response.
y(t)= yn(t)+ yf(t)
14. Draw the direct form I implementation of CT systems.
15. Draw the direct form II implementation of CT systems.
16. Mention the advantages of direct form II structure over direct form I structure.
No.of integrators are reduced to half
17. Define Eigen function and Eigen value.
In the equation given below,
H(s) is called Eigen value and est is called Eigen function.
18. Define Causality and stability using poles.
For a system to be stable and causal, all the poles must be located in the
left half of the s plane
19. Find the impulse response of the system y(t)=x(t-t0) using laplace transform.
h(s)= d(t-t0)
20. The impulse response of the LTI CT system is given as h(t)=e-t u(t). Determine
transfer function and check whether the system is causal and stable.
The system is causal,stable.
1.Derive convolution integral and also state and prove the properties of the same.
Convolution integral derivation
2. Explain the properties of LTICT system interms of impulse response.
Step response
3.Problems on properties of LTI CT systems.
Check whether the following system are stable and causal
1. h(t)=e-2tu(t-1)
Ans: Causal, Stable.
Ans: Non,causal and stable.
4. Problems on differential equation.
Determine the forced response of the system
Ans:yp(t)=0.4, :yf(t)=0.4(1-e-2t)
5. Realization of LTI CT system using direct form I and II structures.
6. Finding frequency response using Fourier methods.
1. Take fourier transform for the given Differential equation
2. Find system transfer function H(w)
3. The frequency response can be obtained from the transfer function by
separating the real and imaginary parts.
7. Solving differential equations using Fourier methods
1. Take Fourier transform for the given Differential Equation
2. Then find Y(s) using the given initial conditions.
3. Then find y(t) by taking inverse Fourier transform
8. Solving Differential Equations using Laplace transforms.
1. Take laplace transform for the given Differential Equation
2. Then find Y(s) using the given initial conditions.
3. Then find y(t) by taking inverse Laplace transform.
9. Obtaining state variable description.
1. The state variable description consists of differerntial equations that
describe state of the system.
2. The output of the system is related to current state and input.
3. The state is the minimal set of signals that represent system’s entire pass
4.The state equations for LTI CT system can be written as
d/dt[q(t)]= A q(t) + b x(t)
y(t)= cq(t) + D x(t)
hence A, b, c, D are the matrices representing internal structure of the system.
10. Obtaining frequency response and transfer functions using state variable.
Steps for obtaining frequency response:
1. Define DTFT.
Let us consider the discrete time signal x(n).Its DTFT is denoted as X(w).It is
given as
X(w)= x(n)e-jwn
2. State the condition for existence of DTFT?
The conditions are
• If x(n)is absolutely summable then
• If x(n) is not absolutely summable then it should have finite energy for
DTFT to exit.
3. List the properties of DTFT.
Time shift
Frequency shift
Differentiation in frequency domain
Time reversal
Multiplication in time domain
Parseval’s theorem
4. What is the DTFT of unit sample?
The DTFT of unit sample is 1 for all values of w.
5. Define DFT.
DFT is defined as X(w)= x(n)e-jwn.
Here x(n) is the discrete time sequence
X(w) is the fourier transform ofx(n).
6. Define Twiddle factor.
The Twiddle factor is defined as WN=e-j2 /N
7. Define Zero padding.
The method of appending zero in the given sequence is called as Zero padding.
8. Define circularly even sequence.
A Sequence is said to be circularly even if it is symmetric about the point zero on
the circle.
9. Define circularly odd sequence.
A Sequence is said to be circularly odd if it is anti symmetric about point x(0) on
the circle
10. Define circularly folded sequences.
A circularly folded sequence is represented as x((-n))N. It is obtained by
plotting x(n) in clockwise direction along the circle.
11. State circular convolution.
This property states that multiplication of two DFT is equal to circular
convolution of their sequence in time domain.
12. State parseval’s theorem.
Consider the complex valued sequences x(n) and y(n).If
x(n)---- X(k)
y(n)---- Y(k)
then x(n)y*(n)=1/N X(k)Y*(k)
13. Define Z transform.
The Z transform of a discrete time signal x(n) is denoted by X(z) and is given
by X(z)= x(n)Z-n.
14. Define ROC.
The value of Z for which the Z transform converged is called region of
15. Find Z transform of x(n)={1,2,3,4}
x(n)= {1,2,3,4}
X(z)= x(n)z-n
= 1+2z-1+3z-2+4z-3.
= 1+2/z+3/z2+4/z3.
16. State the convolution property of Z transform.
The convolution property states that the convolution of two sequences in
time domain is equivalent to multiplication of their Z transforms.
17. What z transform of (n-m)?
By time shifting property
Z[A (n-m)]=AZ-m sinZ[ (n)] =1
18. State initial value theorem.
If x(n) is causal sequence then its initial value is given by
x(0)=lim X(z)
19. List the methods of obtaining inverse Z transform.
Inverse z transform can be obtained by using
Partial fraction expansion.
Contour integration
Power series expansion
20. Obtain the inverse z transform of X(z)=1/z-a,|z|>|a|
Given X(z)=z-1/1-az-1
By time shifting property
1. State and prove properties of DTFT
Time shift
Frequency shift
Differentiation in frequency domain
Time reversal
Multiplication in time domain
Parseval’s theorem.
2. State and prove the properties of DFT.
• Periodicity
• Linearity
• Circular symmetries of a sequence
• Symmetry properties
• Circular convolution
• Time reversal of a sequence
• Circular time shift of a sequence
• Circular frequency shift
• Complex conjugate properties
• Circular correlation
• Multiplication of two sequences
• Parsevals theorem
3. State and prove the properties of z transform.
Time shifting
Scaling in z domain
Time reversal
Differentation in z domain
Convolution in time domain
Correlation of two sequences
Multiplication of two sequences
Conjugation of a complex sequence
Z transform of real part of the sequence
Z transform of imaginary part of the sequence
Parsevals relation
Initial value theorem
4.Find the DFT of x(n)={1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0}
5. Find the circular convolution of x1(n)={1,2,0,1}
6. Problems on z transform and inverse z transform.
1. Define convolution sum?
If x(n) and h(n) are discrete variable functions, then its convolution sum
y(n) is given by,
y(n)= x(k) h(n-k)
2. List the steps involved in finding convolution sum?
o folding
o Shifting
o Multiplication
o Summation
3.List the properties of convolution?
o Commutative property of convolution
x(n) * h(n) = h(n) * x(n) = y(n)
o Associative property of convolution
[ x(n) * h1(n)] * h2(n) = x(n) * [h1(n) * h2(n)]
o Distributive property of convolution
x(n) * [h1(n) + h2(n)] = x(n) * h1(n) + x(n) * h2(n)
4. Define LTI causal system?
A LTI system is causal if and only if ,h(n) = 0 for n<0.This is the sufficient
and necessary condition for causality of the system.
5. Define LTI stable system?
The bounded input x(n) produces bounded output y(n) in the LTI system only
if, | h(k)| < . When this condition is satisfied ,the system will be stable.
6. Define FIR system?
The systems for which unit step response h(n) has finite number of terms, they
are called Finite Impulse Response (FIR) systems.
7. Define IIR system?
The systems for which unit step response h(n) has infinite number of terms,
they are called Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) sysrems.
8. Define non recursive and recursive systems?
When the output y(n) of the system depends upon present and past inputs
then it is called non-recursive system.
When the output y(n) of the system depends upon present and past inputs as
well as past outputs, then it is called recursive system.
9. State the relation between fourier transform and z transform?
The fourier transform is basically the z-transform of the sequence evaluated
on unit circle.
i.e., X(z)|z=e
jw = X(w) at |z|=1 i.e., unit circle.
10. Define system function?
H(z)= Y(z) is called system function.It is the z transform of the unit
response h(n) of the system.
11. What is the advantage of direct form 2 over direct form 1 structure?
The direct form 2 structure has reduced memory requirement compared to
direct form 1 structure.
12. Define butterfly computation?
In the figure the two values ‘a’ and ‘b’ are available as input. From these two
‘A’ and ‘B’ are computed at the output. This operation is called Butterfly
13.What is an advantage of FFT over DFT?
FFT algorithm reduces number of computations.
14. List the applications of FFT?
o Filtering
o Spectrum analysis
o Calculation of energy spectral density
15. How unit sample response of discrete time system is defined?
The unit step response of the discrete time system is output of the system to
sample sequence. i.e., T[ð(n)]=h(n). Also h(n)=z {H(z)}.
16.A causal DT system is BIBO stable only if its transfer function has _________.
Ans:A causal DT system is stable if poles of its transfer function lie within
unit circle.
17. If u(n) is the impulse response response of the system, What is its step response?
Here h(n) = u(n) and the input is x(n) = u(n).
Hence the output y(n) = h(n) * x(n)
= u(n) * u(n)
18.Convolve the two sequences x(n)={1,2,3} and h(n)={5,4,6,2}
Ans: y(n)={5,14,29,26,22,6}
19.State the maximum memory requirement of N point DFT including twiddle factors?
Ans: [2N+N/2]
20.Determine the range of values of the parameter ‘a’ for which the linear time invariant
system with impulse response h(n)=an u(n) is stable?
Ans: H(z)= z , There is one pole at z=a. The system is stable, if all its
i.e., within the unit circle. Hence |a| < 1 for stability.
1. State and prove the properties of convolution sum?
o Commutative property of convolution
x(n) * h(n) = h(n) * x(n) = y(n)
o Associative property of convolution
[ x(n) * h1(n)] * h2(n) = x(n) * [h1(n) * h2(n)]
o Distributive property of convolution
X (n) * [h1(n) + h2(n)] = x(n) * h1(n) + x(n) * h2(n)
2. Determine the convolution of x(n)={1,1,2} h(n)=u(n) graphically?
Ans: y(n) = {1,2,4,4,---------}
3. Determine the forced response for the following system
y(n)-1 y(n-1) – 1 y(n-2) = x(n) + x(n-1)
4 8
for x(n)=(1/8)n u(n) . Assume zero initial conditions?
Ans: f(f)(n)=8 (1/2)n – 2 (1/4)n – (1/8)n
3 3
4. Compute the response of the system
y(n)=0.7 y(n-1) – 0.12 y(n-2) + x(n-1) – x(n-2)
to the input x(n) = n u(n). Is the system is stable?
Ans: Stable. Y(n)=[38.89 (0.1)n – 26.53 (0.3)n – 12.53 + 4.76 ] u(n)
5. Derive the 8 point DIT and DIF algorithms
CS 1203 System Software Question bank (Unit 1-5)
1. Define System Software?
2. Define Data Format?
3. What is instruction set?
4. What is direct addressing mode and indirect addressing mode?
5. Differentiate between Assembler and Interpreter?
6. What is the purpose of registers used in a system?
7. List the types of registers used in a system?
8. What is the size of the memory in a SIC and SIC/XE machines?
9. What are the instructions formats of SIC?
10. What are the types of addressing modes in SIC and SIC/XE machines?
11. What are the types of I/O instructions available are in SIC machine?
12. What is format3and format4 instructions in SIC/XE machine?
13. Define the base relative and program counter relative addressing mode of SIC/XE machine?
14. Illustrate how input and output operations are performed in SIC?
15. Give the instruction format of SIC/XE machine?
16. Write down the name and use of X and L registers in SIC machine architecture?
17. What are the arithmetic and floating unit point units in architecture?
18. Explain how memory is organized in SIC machine architecture?
19. What are the registers in SIC machine?
20. What is the data format adapted in SIC machine?
21. What are the additional registers used by SIC/XE machine and what are their us?
22. What is the format of floating point data used in SIC/XE machine?
23. What are the instructions available in SIC machine?
24. What are the various load and store instructions available in SIC machine?
25. What are the various integer arithmetic instructions available in SIC machine?
26. What is the use of COMP instruction?
27. What are the various load and store instructions available in SIC/XE machine?
28. What are the subroutine linkage instructions available in SIC machine?
29. What are the various floating point arithmetic instructions available in SIC/XE machine?
30. What are the various register-to-register arithmetic instructions available in SIC/XE machine?
31. How is communication with OS established in SIC/XE while executing a program?
32. Write a sample program segment to indicate the arithmetic operations for the SIC machine?
33. Define simple addressing?
34. What is supervisor call?
35. What is condition code?
1. Discuss about SIC architecture?
2. Discuss about SIC/XE architecture?
3. Compare and Contrast SIC, SIC/XE with programming examples?
4. Describe the instruction formats and addressing modes in SIC and SIC/XE
1. Define Assembler.
2. What are Assembler directives or pseudo-instructions?
3. Give some examples for assembler directives.
4. What are functions required in translation of source program to object code.
5. What is forward reference?
6. What are the tree types of records in a simple object program format?
7. What are the information present in a Header record or Give the format of header record?
8. What are the information present in a Text record?
9. What are the information present in a End record?
10. What are the information present in a Modification record?
11. What are the information present in a Define record?
12. What are the information present in a Refer record?
13. What are functions performed in Pass 1 by a two pass assembler?
14. What are functions performed in Pass 2 by a two pass assembler?
15. Name the data structures used by an assembler.
16. What is OPTAB?
17. What is SYMTAB?
18. What is LOCCTR?
19. What is the information present in intermediate file?
20. Write down the pass number(PASS1/PASS 2) of the following activities that occur in a two-
pass assembler.
21. What is multiprogramming?
22. Name the addressing modes used for assembling register-to-memory instructions?
23. What is the use of BASE and NOBASE?
24. What is Register to memory instructions?
25. What is Register to register instructions?
26. What is the advantage of register-to-register instructions?
27. What is a relocatable program?
28. What is relocation?
29. Name the two methods of performing relocation?
30. What is the use of modification record?
31. What are the machine independent assembler features?
32. What is literal?
33. What is a literal pool?
34. What does an assembler perform when it encounters LTORG assembler directive?
35. Write a program to load the program counter address into the base register using literal.
36. What is LITTAB or What is basic data structure needed to handle literal?
37. Name the symbol defining statements.
38. What is the use of the symbol defining statement EQU?
39. What is the use of the symbol defining statement ORG?
40. What are the two types of expression?
41. What is relative expression?
42. What is absolute expression?
43. List the types of Assemblers.
44. How assemblers handle forward reference instructions?
45. List the types of one pass Assemblers.
46. What is load-and-go assembler?
47. What is multi-pass assembler?
48. What is MASM assembler?
49. What is near jump and far jump?
50. What are the functions of assembler?
1. Explain the data structure used in the design of assembler.
2. Explain the algorithm for pass1& pass 2 of an assembler.
3. Explain the machine independent features of an assembler.
4. Explain the machine dependent features of an assembler.
5. Explain the different instruction formats, sets & addressing modes used in the assembler.
6. Explain the design of one pass assembler.
7. Explain the design of multi pass assembler.
8. Discuss about MASM assembler.
1. What is a loader or absolute loader?
2. What is a bootstrap loader?
3. Write the algorithm for an absolute loader.
4. What are the functions of an absolute loader?
5. What are the disadvantages of an absolute loader or machine dependent loader?
6. What is a relocating or relative loader?
7. What is a bit mask?
8. What is the purpose of the relocation bit in object code of relocation loader or what is a relocation
9. Define Linker.
10. Define Linking.
11. What is control section?
12. What is external reference?
13. Define External symbol.
14. What is EXTDEF?
15. What is EXTREF?
16. What are data structures needed for linking loader?
17. What is the use ESTAB?
18. What is reference number mechanism?
19. What is the advantage of reference number mechanism?
20. What is a load map?
21. What is automatic library call or library search?
22. Mention the usage of the directory by a loader?
23. What are the functions of Pass 1 and Pass 2 of an MS-Dos linker?
Part- B
1. Discuss briefly about absolute loader.
2. Discuss about Bootstrap Loader.
3. Explain Automatic Library Search.
4. Discuss about Linkage editor.
5. Discuss about Dynamic Linking.
6. Give the algorithm for pass 1 and pass 2 of a loader.
7. Discuss machine independent loader features.
8. Discuss machine dependent loader features.
9. Explain about MS-DOS Linker.
1. What is a macro instruction?
2. What is a macro?
3. What are the activities of the macro processing?
4. How does the macro processor help the programmer?
5. What are the two main assembler directives use with macro definitions?
6. What is the logic behind the two-pass macro processor?
7. What is the restriction imposed on a two-pass macro assembler?
8. What are the three main data structures involved in a macro processor?
9. What does the macro definition table contain?
10. What is the purpose of the ARGTAB?
11. How are the ambiguities in parameters avoided in macro processor?
12. Expand the following.
b. LDA X&ID->1
c. ADD X&ID->2
d. ADD X&ID->3
e. STA X&ID->5
13. What is meant by conditional macro expansion?
14. Define positional parameters.
15. Draw the structure of the ARGTAB.
16. What should be done for recursive macro expansion if the chosen programming language does
not support recursion?
17. What is a general purpose macro processor?
18. What are the advantages of a general purpose macro processor?
19. What are the disadvantages of a general purpose macro processor?
20. What is a pre-Processor?
21. What is a line-by-line macro processor?
22. What are the advantages of line-by-line macro processor?
23. How are the macro definitions and expansions handled in ANSI C languages?
24. Give any two examples of macro definitions in ANSI C.
25. In the following macro definition,
#define ABSDIFF(X,Y)[(X)>(Y)?(X)-(Y) : (Y)-(X)]
Give the expansion for ABSDIFF (I+1,j-5).
26. For the following macro definitions.
#define DISPLAY (EXPR) printf(#EXPR “=%d\n”,EXPR)
Give the expansion for the macro invocation DISPLAY (I+J+1)
27. Can there be nested macros in ANSI C? Give an example.
29. Give an example for conditional compilation in ANSI C.
30. Define macro.
31. What is meant by concatenation of macro parameter?
32. What is meant by macro time variable?
33. What is conditional macro expansion?
34. State how positional parameters and arguments are related in a macro processor?
35. What is meant by expanding the macro?
36. Give an example for a simple macro-time conditional structure.
37. Give two examples of macro definition.
38. What is meant by line-by-line macro processor?
39. What are the data structures used in a macro processor?
40. List the difference between SIC Macro Processor and MASM Macro Processor.
Part – B
1. Write the algorithm for Macro processor.
2. Write the machine independent features macro processor.
3. Write about recursive macro expansion.
4. Discuss about MASM macro processor.
5. Discuss about ANSI C Language.
6. Discuss about conditional Macro.
Unit –V
1. What is an interactive editor?
2. What is a document?
3. What are the four tasks related to document editing?
4. What is meant by filtering?
5. Define formatting the document.
6. What is editing?
7. What are the elements on which editing is done?
8. What does the conceptual model of the editing system represent?
9. What are the two fundamental types of editors?
10. What is a data tablet?
11. What is the oldest editor interface used?
12. How is the typing of commands made easy with editors?
13. What are the semantic routines that encompass the editor structure?
14. How is the editing area selected in an editor?
15. Can the current editing pointer altered?
16. What is the function of the traveling component?
17. What is the name of the filter invoked when the edit command is issued?
18. What is the purpose of the editing filter?
19. How is the starting point of the editing area selected for viewing?
20. Draw the relationship between the viewing and editing buffer.
21. How doest the editor work with a non intelligent terminal?
22. How does the editor work with an intelligent workstation?
23. What is the disadvantage of editing in a non-intelligent terminal?
24. What are the facilities provided by an interactive debugging system?
25. What are the requirements of an interactive debugging system?
26. What is meant by execution sequencing?
27. What is a break point?
28. What is the status of the program execution once break point is reached?
29. What is meant by tracing?
30. What is meant by trace back?
31. Name some optimization followed in an editor/
32. How does the code rearrangement affect the debugger?
33. What is the important requirement of an interactive debugger?
34. What are the other parts of the system to which the debugger should be related with?
35. What are the desired features of the user interface?
36. What is the required feature of command formats in a user interface?
37. What is the desired feature of the command language in a user interface?
38. How is the assistance provided for user interface?
39. What is the needed feature of menus in a user interface?
40. What are tasks of document editing process?
41. What is the function of command language processor?
42. What is a text or string device?
43. What are locator devices?
44. What are voice-input devices?
45. What is an interactive debugging system or debugging system?
46. What is execution sequencing?
47. What is tracing?
48. What is trace back?
Part –B
1. Discuss about editors.
2. Discuss about Interactive Debugging Systems.
1. Define System Software?
2. Define Data Format?
3. What is instruction set?
4. What is direct addressing mode and indirect addressing mode?
5. Differentiate between Assembler and Interpreter?
6. What is the purpose of registers used in a system?
7. List the types of registers used in a system?
8. What is the size of the memory in a SIC and SIC/XE machines?
9. What are the instructions formats of SIC?
10. What are the types of addressing modes in SIC and SIC/XE machines?
11. What are the types of I/O instructions available are in SIC machine?
12. What is format3and format4 instructions in SIC/XE machine?
13. Define the base relative and program counter relative addressing mode of SIC/XE machine?
14. Illustrate how input and output operations are performed in SIC?
15. Give the instruction format of SIC/XE machine?
16. Write down the name and use of X and L registers in SIC machine architecture?
17. What are the arithmetic and floating unit point units in architecture?
18. Explain how memory is organized in SIC machine architecture?
19. What are the registers in SIC machine?
20. What is the data format adapted in SIC machine?
21. What are the additional registers used by SIC/XE machine and what are their us?
22. What is the format of floating point data used in SIC/XE machine?
23. What are the instructions available in SIC machine?
24. What are the various load and store instructions available in SIC machine?
25. What are the various integer arithmetic instructions available in SIC machine?
26. What is the use of COMP instruction?
27. What are the various load and store instructions available in SIC/XE machine?
28. What are the subroutine linkage instructions available in SIC machine?
29. What are the various floating point arithmetic instructions available in SIC/XE machine?
30. What are the various register-to-register arithmetic instructions available in SIC/XE machine?
31. How is communication with OS established in SIC/XE while executing a program?
32. Write a sample program segment to indicate the arithmetic operations for the SIC machine?
33. Define simple addressing?
34. What is supervisor call?
35. What is condition code?
1. Discuss about SIC architecture?
2. Discuss about SIC/XE architecture?
3. Compare and Contrast SIC, SIC/XE with programming examples?
4. Describe the instruction formats and addressing modes in SIC and SIC/XE
1. Define Assembler.
2. What are Assembler directives or pseudo-instructions?
3. Give some examples for assembler directives.
4. What are functions required in translation of source program to object code.
5. What is forward reference?
6. What are the tree types of records in a simple object program format?
7. What are the information present in a Header record or Give the format of header record?
8. What are the information present in a Text record?
9. What are the information present in a End record?
10. What are the information present in a Modification record?
11. What are the information present in a Define record?
12. What are the information present in a Refer record?
13. What are functions performed in Pass 1 by a two pass assembler?
14. What are functions performed in Pass 2 by a two pass assembler?
15. Name the data structures used by an assembler.
16. What is OPTAB?
17. What is SYMTAB?
18. What is LOCCTR?
19. What is the information present in intermediate file?
20. Write down the pass number(PASS1/PASS 2) of the following activities that occur in a two-
pass assembler.
21. What is multiprogramming?
22. Name the addressing modes used for assembling register-to-memory instructions?
23. What is the use of BASE and NOBASE?
24. What is Register to memory instructions?
25. What is Register to register instructions?
26. What is the advantage of register-to-register instructions?
27. What is a relocatable program?
28. What is relocation?
29. Name the two methods of performing relocation?
30. What is the use of modification record?
31. What are the machine independent assembler features?
32. What is literal?
33. What is a literal pool?
34. What does an assembler perform when it encounters LTORG assembler directive?
35. Write a program to load the program counter address into the base register using literal.
36. What is LITTAB or What is basic data structure needed to handle literal?
37. Name the symbol defining statements.
38. What is the use of the symbol defining statement EQU?
39. What is the use of the symbol defining statement ORG?
40. What are the two types of expression?
41. What is relative expression?
42. What is absolute expression?
43. List the types of Assemblers.
44. How assemblers handle forward reference instructions?
45. List the types of one pass Assemblers.
46. What is load-and-go assembler?
47. What is multi-pass assembler?
48. What is MASM assembler?
49. What is near jump and far jump?
50. What are the functions of assembler?
1. Explain the data structure used in the design of assembler.
2. Explain the algorithm for pass1& pass 2 of an assembler.
3. Explain the machine independent features of an assembler.
4. Explain the machine dependent features of an assembler.
5. Explain the different instruction formats, sets & addressing modes used in the assembler.
6. Explain the design of one pass assembler.
7. Explain the design of multi pass assembler.
8. Discuss about MASM assembler.
1. What is a loader or absolute loader?
2. What is a bootstrap loader?
3. Write the algorithm for an absolute loader.
4. What are the functions of an absolute loader?
5. What are the disadvantages of an absolute loader or machine dependent loader?
6. What is a relocating or relative loader?
7. What is a bit mask?
8. What is the purpose of the relocation bit in object code of relocation loader or what is a relocation
9. Define Linker.
10. Define Linking.
11. What is control section?
12. What is external reference?
13. Define External symbol.
14. What is EXTDEF?
15. What is EXTREF?
16. What are data structures needed for linking loader?
17. What is the use ESTAB?
18. What is reference number mechanism?
19. What is the advantage of reference number mechanism?
20. What is a load map?
21. What is automatic library call or library search?
22. Mention the usage of the directory by a loader?
23. What are the functions of Pass 1 and Pass 2 of an MS-Dos linker?
Part- B
1. Discuss briefly about absolute loader.
2. Discuss about Bootstrap Loader.
3. Explain Automatic Library Search.
4. Discuss about Linkage editor.
5. Discuss about Dynamic Linking.
6. Give the algorithm for pass 1 and pass 2 of a loader.
7. Discuss machine independent loader features.
8. Discuss machine dependent loader features.
9. Explain about MS-DOS Linker.
1. What is a macro instruction?
2. What is a macro?
3. What are the activities of the macro processing?
4. How does the macro processor help the programmer?
5. What are the two main assembler directives use with macro definitions?
6. What is the logic behind the two-pass macro processor?
7. What is the restriction imposed on a two-pass macro assembler?
8. What are the three main data structures involved in a macro processor?
9. What does the macro definition table contain?
10. What is the purpose of the ARGTAB?
11. How are the ambiguities in parameters avoided in macro processor?
12. Expand the following.
b. LDA X&ID->1
c. ADD X&ID->2
d. ADD X&ID->3
e. STA X&ID->5
13. What is meant by conditional macro expansion?
14. Define positional parameters.
15. Draw the structure of the ARGTAB.
16. What should be done for recursive macro expansion if the chosen programming language does
not support recursion?
17. What is a general purpose macro processor?
18. What are the advantages of a general purpose macro processor?
19. What are the disadvantages of a general purpose macro processor?
20. What is a pre-Processor?
21. What is a line-by-line macro processor?
22. What are the advantages of line-by-line macro processor?
23. How are the macro definitions and expansions handled in ANSI C languages?
24. Give any two examples of macro definitions in ANSI C.
25. In the following macro definition,
#define ABSDIFF(X,Y)[(X)>(Y)?(X)-(Y) : (Y)-(X)]
Give the expansion for ABSDIFF (I+1,j-5).
26. For the following macro definitions.
#define DISPLAY (EXPR) printf(#EXPR “=%d\n”,EXPR)
Give the expansion for the macro invocation DISPLAY (I+J+1)
27. Can there be nested macros in ANSI C? Give an example.
29. Give an example for conditional compilation in ANSI C.
30. Define macro.
31. What is meant by concatenation of macro parameter?
32. What is meant by macro time variable?
33. What is conditional macro expansion?
34. State how positional parameters and arguments are related in a macro processor?
35. What is meant by expanding the macro?
36. Give an example for a simple macro-time conditional structure.
37. Give two examples of macro definition.
38. What is meant by line-by-line macro processor?
39. What are the data structures used in a macro processor?
40. List the difference between SIC Macro Processor and MASM Macro Processor.
Part – B
1. Write the algorithm for Macro processor.
2. Write the machine independent features macro processor.
3. Write about recursive macro expansion.
4. Discuss about MASM macro processor.
5. Discuss about ANSI C Language.
6. Discuss about conditional Macro.
Unit –V
1. What is an interactive editor?
2. What is a document?
3. What are the four tasks related to document editing?
4. What is meant by filtering?
5. Define formatting the document.
6. What is editing?
7. What are the elements on which editing is done?
8. What does the conceptual model of the editing system represent?
9. What are the two fundamental types of editors?
10. What is a data tablet?
11. What is the oldest editor interface used?
12. How is the typing of commands made easy with editors?
13. What are the semantic routines that encompass the editor structure?
14. How is the editing area selected in an editor?
15. Can the current editing pointer altered?
16. What is the function of the traveling component?
17. What is the name of the filter invoked when the edit command is issued?
18. What is the purpose of the editing filter?
19. How is the starting point of the editing area selected for viewing?
20. Draw the relationship between the viewing and editing buffer.
21. How doest the editor work with a non intelligent terminal?
22. How does the editor work with an intelligent workstation?
23. What is the disadvantage of editing in a non-intelligent terminal?
24. What are the facilities provided by an interactive debugging system?
25. What are the requirements of an interactive debugging system?
26. What is meant by execution sequencing?
27. What is a break point?
28. What is the status of the program execution once break point is reached?
29. What is meant by tracing?
30. What is meant by trace back?
31. Name some optimization followed in an editor/
32. How does the code rearrangement affect the debugger?
33. What is the important requirement of an interactive debugger?
34. What are the other parts of the system to which the debugger should be related with?
35. What are the desired features of the user interface?
36. What is the required feature of command formats in a user interface?
37. What is the desired feature of the command language in a user interface?
38. How is the assistance provided for user interface?
39. What is the needed feature of menus in a user interface?
40. What are tasks of document editing process?
41. What is the function of command language processor?
42. What is a text or string device?
43. What are locator devices?
44. What are voice-input devices?
45. What is an interactive debugging system or debugging system?
46. What is execution sequencing?
47. What is tracing?
48. What is trace back?
Part –B
1. Discuss about editors.
2. Discuss about Interactive Debugging Systems.
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